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Thursday, 18 March 2021

Writing a Press Release


Tips and suggestions

I recommend reading this:  


How long should a press release be?

The answer is, as few paragraphs as you need to get your points across. Avoid waffle and lengthy explanation. Keep the copy as tight as possible.

A good press release can be written with anywhere from 300-500 words. Once you eclipse the 500 word mark, there's a good chance you're just wasting space on words that will never get read.

Very Important - the opening paragraph

You need to get all the key information into the first paragraph of a press release. The test of success is whether the story can be understood in its entirety just by reading the first paragraph.

The rest of the press release

The second paragraph expands on the first, giving a bit more detail. Often, the third paragraph provides a quote. The fourth paragraph outlines final information, such as other products in development, for example.

Writing tips for press releases

A writing style with sentences that are 25 words in length or fewer helps make your press release punchy.

Concise Facts 

A good press release should take a factual tone and be short and concise, giving the journalist the essence of the story. They will get in touch if they want more information. If you get the news content right and write to the publication's style, you give yourself a good chance of getting your story across.

How to structure a press release

Timing - for immediate release or embargo?

Indicate at the top of the release whether it is for immediate release or under embargo, and if so, give the relevant date. Remember that it can be frustrating for journalists to receive information under embargo that cannot be published straight away. An embargo does not mean that journalists can't contact you about your story. It just means that you are asking them not to publish it before a particular date.

Give the press release a title

The job of the press release title is to grab attention and encourage the journalist to read more. Don't waste time stressing over what title will look like in print - most journalists/editors will change the title to suit their readership.

How to end the press release

Signal the end of the press release with the word "Ends" in bold. After "Ends", write "For further information, please contact" and list your details or those of an appointed person. Do give a mobile number if you can, so that journalists can contact you easily. The more accessible you are, the better.

If any further information is needed, these can go in "Notes to editors" under the contact information. Examples might include background information on the company (called a boilerplate), or a note saying that photos are available. It's helpful to number these points, to make your press release as clean as possible.

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